Audio-Visual AI
Surrey’s Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) - a world-leading centre of excellence in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine perception – is leading on research in AI that can transform captured audio and visual content into media objects that will allow future personalised media experiences to be customisable.
Personalised Experiences
The BBC, world-leading broadcaster is creating compelling personalised media experiences for mass-audiences that utilise AI and at-scale delivery.
Intelligent Network Compute
Lancaster University’s School of Computing and Communications, with expertise in software-defined networking and self-designing software is delivering highly personalised media experiences to millions of people by automatically sharing network and device capacity across streams, enabling operation at very large scales with low cost and high energy efficiency.

Future Personalised Object-Based Media Experiences Delivered at Scale Anywhere.
The University of Surrey has teamed up with the BBC and Lancaster University on a new five-year ‘Prosperity Partnership’ to develop state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge technologies that will allow future media experiences to be hyper-personalised by adapting to individual users’ interests, devices, location and accessibility requirements.
As announced by the UK Government, the £15m UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Prosperity Partnership goal is to develop technologies that will provide the UK creative sector with unrivalled capabilities to create a step-change in audience experiences at scale.
The Prosperity Partnership brings together a network of sixteen creative industry partners (ranging from SMEs to large multinationals) who will be collaborating through different mechanisms, from sponsoring PhD students, to helping evaluate prototypes and providing access to facilities.