Independent Advisory Board meeting

The first AI4ME Independent Advisory Board meeting was hosted at BBC MediaCity in Salford on the 26th of January 2023. The IAB comprises creative industry leaders acting as a critical friend to the project to review and advise AI4ME. The event showcased progress over the first 9 months with live demonstrations of research advances providing the foundations for the creation, production and delivery of personalised media experiences.

Shaping The Algorithms That Personalise Your Media

Joined by BBC R&D, this panel explores digital rights, human values, trust and decentralisation as directions to advance society's ability, our ability, to shape the algorithms that feed our media. The session includes presentations from speakers researching these themes and provide an opportunity for questions and discussion. It is hoped that their insights will enrich and inform a debate as part of society's ongoing conversation to design technologies for media personalisation that better serve the needs of society. Watch video recording here.

Surrey to lead AI research Prosperity Partnership to enable future personalised media for all

The University of Surrey has teamed up with the BBC and Lancaster University on a new five-year ‘Prosperity Partnership’ to develop state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) and cutting-edge technologies that will allow future media experiences to be hyper-personalised by adapting to individual users’ interests, devices, location and accessibility requirements.

Delivering the future of interactive and personalised media at scale with partners

We are delighted to announce the start of a new five-year Prosperity Partnership with the universities of Surrey and Lancaster to develop and trial new ways to create and deliver object-based media at scale. Through groundbreaking collaborative research, we aim to transform how our audiences can enjoy personalised content and services in future. The goal is to enable scaled delivery of a wide range of content experiences - efficiently and sustainably - to mainstream audiences via multiple platforms and devices.